What counts as a question?

In a ResearchSquirrel study, what counts as a question and what doesn't?

In the questionnaire design, hosting and primary analysis of your ResearchSquirrel study, the following each count as a question:

  • Each question used to screen in respondents.
  • Each encapsulated stimulus designed to elicit a recorded response (pre-coded: e.g. any of yes/no, rating, quantity, ranking, order or value, single select, multi-select; open-ended: e.g. single-line text field or multi-line text box). It includes each geographic, demographic, psychographic, values or other type of respondent-characteristisation question.
  • Each alternative version of an A/B question pair or set.
  • Each row or column (not both) of a tabular question, e.g. brands by associated attributes would be brand count or attribute count, depending on design.
  • Each question in a proprietary ResearchSquirrel model, e.g. the LoyaltySquirrel™ model counts as 3 questions. Each model has its own preset question count.
  • Each substantial stimulus page with an OK/Next type action, with or without images or video, for example a formatted product concept introduction or an advertisement exposure.
  • For importing your own questionnaire raw data into ResearchSquirrel, each required column of data including respondent number, response date/time and weighting data.

For clarity, the following do not contribute to the question count:

  • A survey introduction page with an OK/Next type button.
  • A text input field as an open-ended response to an "Other" alternative within a question.
  • A minor stimulus page with an OK/Next type action, comprised of simple, unformatted text.
  • A survey thank you page with or without an OK/Save/Close type button.

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